Friday, January 31, 2014

Wendy's Pink and Green Quilt

After 14 months of working on my pink and green quilt, it is finished!  Like all good quilts, it started off as a vague idea and a hope that this color combination, as seen through the fabrics I chose, would "work."  And I must say, it did!  Unfortunately I didn't take more photos of the finished product, but the recipient was on their way to my house at any moment!!!

"Wendy's Quilt" is the largest and most "complex" quilt I have done as yet.  Its not really complex, just that all the squares are not the same, as I have done in the past.  I used the slab technique from Sunday Morning Quilts, by Amanda Jean Nyberg and Cheryl Arkison.  It kind of defeats the purpose when you have to buy fabric to make a scrap quilt, but needs must!

Without further ado.....

If you have Pintrest, most of the fabrics can be seen on my ideas board.

Wendy loved her quilt!  It made her tear up!  Success!

Now on to other work-in-progresses!